Friday, January 28, 2011

Multi Tasking

I came to know or I should say, I started using this term more often since college days. We friends would meet online frequently and when one person does not respond quickly, other would ask, ‘are you doing multi tasking?’ Most of the times, it was true in my case since I used to chat and study parallel. Eventually I became expert. In fact, I love doing so and most of the times; I am doing more than one task. Right now, I am watching TV, writing this blog and downloading songs. I can work and watch TV, cooking and talking over the phone, chatting and studying and the list goes on..

I guess women have some inbuilt ability to perform multitasking while guys seriously lack this quality! Take my husband, he cannot do even one task with complete concentration (That excludes surfing and cricket). When he is doing something and in between if I start talking to him about some different topic, he would be lost. And usually this would end in argument 2-3 times a week. He thinks I am expecting too much from him and I am like, I just cannot stand sluggishness.

I know multitasking does not help all the times. Sometimes, quality of the task also gets affected. But cannot change old habits, they go with you only!

Friday, January 14, 2011

What's the right time to have a baby?

We have been married for over 4 years and as you can understand, pressure for having a baby has become unbearable. I was just thinking what’s the right time to have a baby? Though, I do fail to understand how can others decide for you? Even if they are your parents? I know they are my best well-wisher and their advice is based on their experience and wisdom, but ultimately I have to carry, give birth and raise a kid. For that, I need to be prepared – physically, mentally and financially!

When others give pressure to you, the crucial fact they overlook is along with pressure they also give tension! If you had planned to wait for more than couple of years after marriage, they would make you feel panic and guilty, as if you took some disastrous decision and now you cannot reverse it. I do understand certain things should be done in right time; otherwise it might cause a problem. But at the same time, it should not become a mission and everyone else is so curious about your personal life.

In my case, I hope, phase should not come that I am trying for a kid just because of pressure and age! I am making out not because of love or lust, just because I need a baby!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

It's all about food!!!

We have started getting The Washington Post for last couple of months. After 7 years, now I am trying to get familiar with actually reading hard copy of the news paper! Every Wednesday, they have supplement entirely on food. Yesterday, two of the articles really caught my attention and I could not wait to write about them.

The first article was about Diana Kennedy. She is the queen of the Mexican Cuisine and also known as ‘Julia Child of Mexican Cooking’. She has written several books and appeared on TV shows as well. She was quoted “You need to understand food to understand its culture”. What a splendid remark! I cook for fun, out of hobby, out of passion, but never thought like this.

The other article was about Indian Chats. One full page was dedicated to this article explaining in detail about all different ingredients of chat. There were also a few recipes for Dahi Bhalla, Tamarind Chutney and Green Chutney. I never happened to search/ read these recipes since this is something you know, by default. You do not need (At least I did not need) any extra, special tips to make them. But to my surprise, I saw some ingredients in this recipe which I never thought could contribute to make the dish tastier. For example, onion, ginger and curd in green chutney or fennel seeds and clove-cinnamon powder in tamarind chutney.

These recipes were from chefs of two popular restaurants in DC Metro Area – Rasika (DC downtown) and Indique Heights (Chevy Chase, MD). We already have been to Indique Heights to celebrate my B’day and now cannot wait to go to Rasika for his B’day. 2 months advanced planning….VOW!!

License and Registration in state of MD

It has been nearly 4 months since we moved in here, in Maryland. Yet we are not done with car registration and inspection formalities. We did a proper homework about the process, but still for one or other reason it keeps on delaying. Worst part of the story is, website does not provide sufficient information. Anyway, this process cannot be more complicated (for any other state) so I thought to note down the steps!!

Before we move further, here are some tips worth keeping in mind:
• It is required to change the license and then only you can go for car registration
• Always opt for ‘Full Services MVA’ since they offer all the services at comparatively faster manner
• Always check website for holiday schedule, since MVA observes furlough once in every 3 weeks
• Cash, debit cards and credit cards are accepted for all services

I guess now we are ready to start:
For License change:
• You must carry following documents
     o Passport with current I94
     o Old valid license
     o Visa proof – Greencard or visa copy and/or stamping
     o Social security card (If you are on dependent visa and not entitled for SSN, you need to obtain a NEW denial letter from STATE OF MD. You can visit nearby SSN office with your visa, passport and primary visa holder)
     o 2 address proof – Any utility bill WITH ORIGINAL ENVELOPE, bank statement or lease agreement is fine

• Always try to reach as soon as MVA opens, since getting license is a lengthy process. They will verify your visa status with DHS (When you are on non-immigrant visa), check your eye sight and take a picture.
• On average, it takes about 1.5 – 2 hours to complete the whole process
• You will get the license only until visa date
• Approx. $28 pp

For Registration and Title Change
• Change your car insurance (They will ask for new address proof. Lease agreement, offer letter from community or license works fine. We changed it before we got the new license)
• Registration has to be completed within 60 days from license date
• Before you go for registration, car needs to be inspected
     o In state of MD, only private inspection is available. They charge from $50-$100 to manually inspect the car. It takes at least couple of hours.

     o They check tires, headlights, brake, mirror, seat belt etc. This is mere manual inspection and engine/transmissions are NOT CHECKED. That means, if you are getting ‘Check Engine’ Sign, you need not worry at this point of time.
     o If everything is okay, they will issue an inspection certificate. If not, they will generate a report mentioning all problems. In either case, they will charge inspection fee.
     o If inspection is not through, you have to fix the car and go for re-inspection.
     o This inspection remains valid as long as you own the car in MD.

• If your car is on financing
      o Contact your financer to send title to MVA (Send the fax)
      o It takes about 7-10 days
      o Once they send documents to MVA, you get a letter of notification from your
         financer or you can directly call MVA to check

• Carry following documents:
      o Original title or financing documents
      o New License
      o New insurance proof
      o Old registration
      o Inspection certificate
      o   New registration form (can be downloaded from website, it is advised to fill the form ahead and then only go to MVA)

• Whoever’s name is mentioned in title, he/she must be present, otherwise power of attorney letter is required

• If more than one name is mentioned in old title, all of them are required to be present with new license. Exactly same names will appear on new title. (It is better to have same names since change in name is a tedious process)

• It costs $200-$300 based on year, model and whether you own or finance the car.

• Once MVA checks all papers, they will issue new registration and plates. Fix these new plates and return old plates to respective state. Either return them in person or send via certified mail. No other proof is necessary.

• After new registration, with 2-3 weeks you will receive a new title, with new address

• Within 4-5 weeks you will receive a notice for emission test. You will be given 90 days of time to go for this test. You must carry this notice to inspection facility.

• Emission inspection facility is managed by government. Under this test, they check engine and transmission.

• It takes about 10 minutes to complete the process.

• It costs $14 and if inspection is through, they will issue a certificate with 2 years validity.

Now you are all set to drive a car in Maryland!!