Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Leaving NJ II - Final Decision

Before discussing with anyone or telling anyone, we had to prepare ourselves. This was really brainstorming job, since we had to inform landlord and also, make sure that we would be able to get a new place to stay within that timeline. So many if...else and financial calculations.

More important and troubling job was to inform my company, because after knowing them we were little concerned whether they would release my salary without causing any problem.We had to come up with a solid convincing story and the right time to tell them. Now today, when everything is over (Today is my last day at work) I just cannot believe, it could go such a smooth way! 

After making up our minds and thinking about these strategies, next on the page was to ask/inform parents and close friends. We also took advise from couple of them whether moving would be a right choice. Both families were happy as we would be able to stay together, you see ;)

Leaving NJ I - New Job Offer

I have been thinking to start a blog series on this subject but amidst heavy work load and packing, this never became a front-burner priority. But now it's high time, only couple of days left and before I loose that rhythm, I have to write something :)

Last one year was full of uncertainty for both of us. We were mentally ready to move to a different place or either he only would move and I would stay back here in NJ.

When his previous assignment got over at Broadridge since he denied to accept full-time, we were prepared for 2-3 months bench period. But luckily, he got confirmation from Fannie Mae in just 3-4 days. Icing on the cake was, exceptionally good salary. There was no way we could say no to this offer. 

It sounded like a long term project and also, my salary was cut down by 30%. So there was no reason we should stay separately. Both of us were excited to move to a new place and moreover, we would be able to stay together.

We had few weeks of time to make the final decision and this whole chapter turned out be a emotional torment.

I am Flattered :)

At this company, we offer training in various subjects. Most of the students have no or little experience in the relevant field. So what we do is, before they attend the main instructor's class, I brief them with basic stuff in SQL, Oracle and QTP for about 6 to 8 weeks. Most of the students are elderly people, like our parents' age. But few months ago, we had an exception. One of our 'future' student's father came to see us (who also happened to be our student back in 1999-2000) about his son. His son is a college dropout and father wanted us to train him in IT. Everything was set, I was supposed to take initial classes and finally he arrived. This was about 6-7 months ago.

My first impression was, OMG, how am I gonna tackle him? A typical "ABCD" guy, who would hardly talk or ask any questions. No interest in studies or learning anything new. I even thought he might be a drug addict!!! He would come for one class and then disappear for couple of weeks. It lasted like this about 2-3 months, from my end I finished everything, but from his end, no progress. Again, his father came and requested us to peruse teaching him. We reluctantly agreed, because all this time he did not pay to company and personally, I also did not get anything out of it. Now I had no interest or motivation, but no choice either. I started training all over again and this time, I could see some positive response.

Then, last week or so, I told him that I would no longer be available to teach him as I was moving to a different place. To my surprise, he was shocked. (Though we were talking through online meeting, I could imagine his expression). I almost remember everything he said to me "Oh really! This is very much do not know how much grateful and thankful I am...I wish I could say this in person that I respect and appreciate you a have been very patient to me, though I gave you a very hard time..If there would be someone else, he/she would be really pissed off...thank you so much"...I mean it's no big deal, once in a while we all receive compliments like this, but this was stunning. And now it's like, he shares almost everything with me, I'm the only one who knows about his girlfriend and all that kind of stuff. He is really sincere about studies and very eager to attend the class

I felt good after this incident, sort of satisfaction you get after doing good work (without expecting any tangible return) and then being appreciated for the same :)